Hey guys, King here. I'm going to show you briefly what I do during a pool inspection. This won't cover every little thing that I look for because I can't give away all my secrets, but it does cover the major things you should look for if you're going to get into the pool inspection business. First, keep in mind that we only inspect things above the ground. We don't take anything apart or remove any filters. We can only assess what we can see during the inspection. Also, we don't dig any holes. Now, let's move on to the next thing. Before starting, there are a couple of pre-qualifications you should have. You should be an SPF certified pool inspector, and you should have an insurance plan that covers errors and omissions. This way, if you miss something during the inspection, your insurance will cover it. Additionally, it's important to include any deficiencies, regardless of their size, in the report. This will prevent you from using your errors and omissions insurance. Now, let's get started. The first thing I look at is the gate. As you're walking in, the gate should open out towards the street, away from the pool. This one does open correctly, but it should have a self-closing feature, which it doesn't. I would recommend a health and safety finding if the other gate doesn't self-close either. Make sure to note any issues with the gates. Moving on, this pool is screened-in. So, after checking the gate, we need to check the screen. It should open away from the pool and self-close, which it does. That's a good thing and should be noted in the report. Now, we're inside the pool area. The first major thing I look for is any deficiencies in the pool shell. Are there any missing tiles...
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Internachi Pool Inspection Form: What You Should Know
The Pool / Spa Water Treatment 2. The Pool / Spa Heating System 3. The Pool / Spa Filtering System (Internal Inspection Guidelines) ‧ 1.  The Pool / Spa Water Treatment We will assess the pool or spa's system for pool water quality based on the following criteria: • pH <7.3 (pH of water should be below 7.3) • PH 3.4 (slight alkaline content); PH value is based on laboratory analysis (pH value of water may be reported) • Ammonia. . . Or ammonia level > 0.9. 4.  Pool / Spa Heating System We will perform the following evaluations: • The water temperature (heating rate) and temperature differential between the warm side and the cold side of the pool (heat exchangers only). • Temperature and vapor pressure readings for each of the pool water heaters; we will evaluate the temperature and vapor pressure for: — The pool water temperature heater and the pool water vapor heater; — The pool water heaters; and • Temperature and vapor pressure readings for the water in pool drains (faucets, sinks, etc.). A.  The Pool / Spa Water Temperature We will perform the following evaluations to ensure the pool water temperature is within the range of: • Within the safe operating range of 15 — 31 °C (59 — 97ºF) (pool water heating systems must be below 4,500 °F); and • Within the range of 20 — 30 °C (68-86ºF) (pool water heating systems), and not exceed 32 °C (90ºF). B.  Pool / Spa Heating System In the case of both a pool or spa heater and a pool water vapor heater: • We will assess the thermal efficiencies of the water heaters based on the following: • Temperature measurement measurements (temperature of the water used in the water heater, water heater tank and water vapor heater tank to verify that the water heater was functioning at or below operating temperature when tested); and • Water temperature measurements. • A Thermal Efficiency Calculator is available from the National Center for Water Hygiene (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) which provides a simple method to calculate thermal efficiency. C.
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